Realizing a Dream
Out Here Magazine (Tractor Supply Co.), Spring 2015
Former city slickers operate self-sufficient homestead
by Tom Doran, AgriNews, September 20, 2013
Making cheese
by Matthew Baker, LaSalle News Tribune, 5/11/2011
A new breed heads back to the land to change the way we think about food
by Steve Diego, Ottawa Delivered, 4/14/2011
Back to basics: Cornell family finds self-sufficiency on their homestead
by Melissa Garzanelli, The Times, 3/21/2011
“Art of cheese making” appeared in Russel Publications Online after Deborah taught a cheesemaking class for the Center for Sustainable Community in the summer of 2009.
“Coco Chanel delivers quads at Cornell farm” appeared in the local Bugle News in 2009.
A New Life At Antiquity Oaks
We were visited in 2004 by a couple of East Coast journalists. Although they came to see our goats, they wound up writing about their impressions of our homeschooling.
Click here to read more articles about Deborah’s books and see television clips with cooking demos and more.
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